
Jonathan Lietzke


“Jonathan “JJ” Lietzke has joined Tauber Oil Company November 1, 2021, as General Counsel. JJ is an energy attorney with broad expertise in commodity transactions. He has experience structuring and negotiating standardized and bespoke commodity transactions and mitigating risks inherent in energy trading. His counsel includes advising on contract structures and credit arrangements in trading and structured, asset-based transactions.

Prior to joining Tauber Oil Company JJ was Legal Counsel to Gunvor USA LLC and helped Gunvor grow its U.S. presence. Before Gunvor, JJ worked for Atmos Energy Corporation supporting their traders, pipeline operations, and on occasion right-of-way team. Additionally, he was an advisory board member of Lone Star Credit Union. JJ also served as Legislative Aide to Texas State Representative Joe Moody of El Paso during the 81st Texas Legislature.

JJ holds a Doctor of Jurisprudence, Masters in Business Administration, and Bachelors in Business Management each from Texas Tech University.

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